Saturday 17 October 2015

Golden Sponge Cake

Prep Time : 15min
Cook Time : 35min
Yield : 3-4 servings
Freezer-friendly : No

50g unsalted butter
50g cake flour
3 egg yolks (A size)
55g milk
40g castor sugar
6g corn starch
3 egg whites (A size)

1. Line cake pan with parchment paper (I use 8 inch pan)
2. Seperate cold eggs, set aside to room temperature.
3. Melt butter in a saucepan, remove from heat when small bubbles are seen.
4. Immediately add flour, stir quickly. Then add milk, mix well.
5. Add egg yolk, one at a time, stirring at each addition.
6. Mix sugar with corn starch.
7. Beat egg whites using electrical whisk until foamy. Add No.6 in 3 batches and beat until approaching stiff peak. Do not beat until very stiff as it would be difficult to fold into egg mixture.
8. Take 1/3 beaten egg whites and fold into egg mixture No.5 using hand whisk. Add 1/3, switch to spatula, fold until combined. Repeat with the remaining 1/3.
9. Pour into cake pan, bake in lower rack at 140 degrees for 20 min and then increase to 170 degrees for another 15 min.
10. Turn the tin upside down and cool completely. Remove by running a knife along the side and drop the cake out onto the wire rack. Put a plate onto the cake, taking the wirerack-cake-plate, overturn it so that wirerack be on top. Remove wirerack, and taadaa....a soft spongy cake to be enjoyed!

Original recipe: