Sunday 12 April 2015

Homemade Soy Milk

Prep Time : 8 hours
Cook Time : 30 min
Yield : Around 700ml
Freezer-friendly: No

1/2 cup of organic soy beans
5.5 cups of water
1/8 cup brown sugar

1) Soak 1/2 cup of soy bean with 1 cups of water overnight (or at least 8 hours)
2) Discard soaked water, rinse soy beans.
3) Put half soy beans and 2 cups of water into blender, blend until smooth.
4) Pour the mixture into a strainer (I use the strainer for kopi/teh c, or you can use a cheesecloth) and squeeze the milk into a big pot.
5) Return the leftover soybean pulp into blender, add 1.5cups water, blend. Strain the milk.
6) Repeat Step 5 with 1 cup of water.
7) Add sugar, boil under high heat for 3 minutes.
8) Serve warm to toddler or chill for adults.

Original Recipe:

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